Using the Broadway subway line's construction as an example, city planners offered a visual to New Yorkers to demonstrate how steel wedges and wooden beams would be employed to support existing rails, while blasting rock from beneath them.
Eventually, the steel wedge would serve as permanent ceiling for the second layer of tunnels, while another beam would hold everything in place. After areas surrounding the supports were filled with cement, workers could take them away and let the structure stand on its own.
For that matter, it's still pretty astounding.

2) In 1916, Dr. T. Kennard Thomson, a consulting engineer, proposed a novel solution to New York City's growing population problem: simply add more land! His proposal entailed adding 50 square miles of land from the New York Bay, which would add about 100 miles of new waterfront, essentially turning downtown Manhattan into midtown!
The black portions at the bottom of the map display the areas Thomson planned to add land mass, including the new East River he planned to carve inside Queens. With the original East River filled in, Brooklyn and Manhattan would become the new East and West Side.
Even though the project was projected to cost more than the Panama Canal, the engineer theorized that the added populace would contribute enough financial returns to justify the investment.

After damming and draining the East River between the Williamsburg Bridge and the Harlem River, a new city hall atop the boulevard would house a police, health, music and art center, while new high schools, playgrounds and a theater district could serve all four boroughs.
Beneath the pabed boulevard would be parking spaces, subway lines, east and west ramps, as well as a tunnel for large vehicles... Actually, this is a pretty boffo idea... you know, except for turning New York City into a dustbowl.
4) Transferring on the S subway shuttle between Grand Central Station and

According to the plan, these cars would carry twice as many people a third faster than the existing shuttle train. To ease up traffic even further, a moving sidewalk would carry commuters to and from the tunnels, the conveyor cars and the subway platforms themselves. Damn shame that never happened.

Funny, while nothing of the sort ever happened, NYC Mayor Bloomberg has taken today's Times Square back in time, a la George Orwell's 1984. Even though you're outdoors, somehow, smoking is hazardous, despite the steady stream of car, cab and bus exhaust.